What is Kratom?
Definition Kratom
Mytragina speciosa , called kratom tree or red sentol tree , is a plant species in the family Rubiaceae and comes from Malaysia.
The height of the cratom tree lies between 10-25 meters, Kratom is a deciduous tree that occurs in Southeast Asia.
The alkaloid epicatechin also occurs in cocoa, so similarities to both can be ascertained here, likewise it is related to the coffee tree.
Other words for Kratom:
Krathom, Biak, Ketum, Ithang, Kakuam, Biak-Biak, Krton, Mabog und Mambog.
The classification of the kratomtree
Kind/Order: |
Enzianartige or Gentianales |
Family: |
Redness plants |
Subfamily: |
Cinchonoideae |
Tribus: |
Naucleeae |
Type: |
Mitragyna |
Kind: |
Mitragyna speciosa |
The Kratomtree
Growth terms:
Kratomtrees preferentially grow in the swamps and swampregions of Southeast Asia. The tropical climate prevails in the country of origin and can only be achieved by breeding houses in the western world. The preferred habitat of the plant corresponds to a moist environment which is characterized by high atmospheric humidity. Trees can only grow undisturbed on fertile, nutrient-rich soils. At temperatures of about four degrees Celsius, the red senetobauml loses its leaves in its natural habitat. Drought can also cause trees to lose their leaves. In its Southeast Asian region of origin, these seasons cannot be compared with the seasons of western latitudes. Instead of winter and summer, the annual climate in Southeast Asia is characterized by rainy and dry periods. In dry periods, the cratom tree repeatedly loses its leaves..
The rainy season allows the tree to continuously develop new leaves. In each new rainy season, the red plant has more leaves than in the previous rainy season. Scratch trees are exposed to extreme influences. Places with strong winds are toxic to the growth of red Senetol. Young reddish plants also do not tolerate too much sunlight. In deep forests and wetlands in the countries of origin, the tree is well protected from wind and weather.. In order to create ideal growth conditions for the plant in the western world, it is necessary to artificially imitate the protection of its natural habitats. Tropical greenhouses with high humidity protect against sun and weather.
Leaves of the Kratomtree:
Spreads |
5 - 10cm |
Stems |
2 - 4cm |
Lamina (Leafblade) |
8,5 - 14cm |
Sheet vein coloration:
The leaf vein colors differ depending on the variety and drying
White Leaf veins(White Vein) |
Red Leaf veins (Red Vein) |
Green Leaf veins (Green Vein) |
Types of processed kratom:
If kratom is processed further, it differs in these three forms
Powder (well) |
Crushed (roughly) |
Extract (Resin/Powder) |