Bali Kratom

The Bali Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa, also called red sentol tree) from Mr. Kratom is a combination of different kratom varieties, which are mixed together to the best of our knowledge and laboratory results. The kratom mostly comes from Borneo, as no/hardly any kratom plantations or trees are cultivated in Bali. For the individual color blends red, white and green, only the best kratom varieties are mixed together, which are proven to be of high quality. The kratom online store of Mr. Kratom has a high standard of quality, which is reflected in its kratom and its price/performance ratio. The kratom ordered through his online store is shipped directly from Germany.

Bali background

Bali is an Indonesian island with an average tropical climate. The flora of Bali comprises various vegetation areas. In addition to tropical forests (such as rainforests and dry forests), Bali also has mangroves and humid prairies. The island's tropical climate is characterized by high humidity. From November to March, monsoon rains occur in the tropical convergence zone. In the remaining months, the rainfall distribution on the island is relatively uneven due to the center of the mountains. The north coast is the area with the lowest rainfall. In rainy forest areas, the kratom tree has relatively favorable climatic conditions.

Although Thailand and Malaysia are considered the hometowns of the mambog, these trees are now grown almost exclusively in Indonesia for commercial purposes. Regardless of the name of the place of origin, it can therefore be assumed that 90% of commercial kratom comes from Indonesia. Bali kratom is Indonesian kratom, which does not always originate from Bali. At the same time, the island's rainwater and dry forests have been replaced by cultivated land. Nowadays, the cultivation area of kratom in Bali is limited. Borneo kratom is usually stored temporarily in the port of Bali and then awaits delivery to the island. This type of temporary storage of kratom does not actually come from Bali, but is called Bali kratom by traders.

Discover Bali Kratom in our store now and enjoy the highest quality!

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